Beyond the Resonator Trailer
Re-Animator: Reunion Edition
1m 37s
BEYOND THE RESONATOR is a new four-part sequel series to director William Butler's acclaimed 2021 Lovecraftian mind-bender MISKATONIC U: THE RESONATOR!
This time, we not only bring back the titular monstrous and inter-dimensional death machine from RESONATOR, but also re-introduce the character of Herbert West, the maniacal med student whose green juice brings the dead back to life! First seen in producer Charles Band and director Stuart Gordon's cult iconic 1985 classic shocker RE-ANIMATOR, this new incarnation of West is even more maniacal and will stop at NOTHING to see his grisly experiments through. School's out...of its MIND!
Up Next in Re-Animator: Reunion Edition
Curse Of The Reanimator Trailer
The final act of THE RESONATOR saga goes out with a bloody bang! Herbert West is totally out of control on campus and now the living dead are on the loose and looking to kill. This is the ultimate in contemporary Lovecraftian horror and a loving tribute to the films of the late, great Stuart Gor...
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Death Streamer - Trailer
A modern-age vampire employs technologically advanced glasses that enable him to not only hunt his victims in and out of the virtual world...but also LIVE STREAM his bloody feasts for all to see! As this high-tech ghoul continues to glut on his screaming victims, his internet-based cult of person...